National Rebirth of Poland

Who we are?

Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski (National Rebirth of Poland) is the oldest Polish nationalist organization after WWII. Development of NOP from the day of raise (Nov. 10th, 1981) was undergoing significant internal changes: starting as nationalist youth's discussion forum, became, from 1983, well-regulate...

Foundation Declaration of European National Front

On the threshold of Third Millenium, Europe is forced into retreat of civilization. Nations and national states are under huge pressure of New World Order forces that strain after destruction of our Christian Civilization.

European National Front Central-East European Declaration of Cooperation

On June 21st in Zegiestow Zdroj (Poland) during Central-East European Conference of National Movements which was organized by National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) representing European National Front the agreement on accession of the following organizations to ENF was done: National Unity Movement (HNS ...

Third Position - 10 Point Declaration

The International Third Position is a spiritually motivated world view which rejects the received wisdom of the modern world that all peoples and cultures are doomed forever to choosing between Left and Right, Socialism and Capitalism. Based upon a sound knowledge of human nature and its interests, ...

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!

© 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski. Przedruk części lub całości materiałów dozwolony tylko za zgodą redakcji.