Who we are?

Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski (National Rebirth of Poland) is the oldest Polish nationalist organization after WWII. Development of NOP from the day of raise (Nov. 10th, 1981) was undergoing significant internal changes: starting as nationalist youth's discussion forum, became, from 1983, well-regulated national-revolutionary movement having distinct ideology. The movement was always tipified with strong challenge orientation. In Nov. 1983 we started publishing "Jestem Polakiem" (I'm Pole) - the first and long time the sole nationalist underground magazine in Poland. In 1985 NOP founded underground Publishing House "Jestem Polakiem" which published to 1989, when communist regime fall down, more then 100 titles of books, brochures and next magazines (e.g. "Szczerbiec" /the name of Polish royal coronation sword/, "Mlodziez Narodowa" /National Youth/, "Mysl" /The Thought/, "Biuletyn NOP"). In the period of communist regime NOP militants were taking part in direct actions organizing manifestations and student strikes.


NOP attaches special importance to education of militants and sympathizers organizing training cycles on social and political issues, economy, religion and history. NOP is an ideological movement, however, for legal convenience, from 1992 is registered as a political party. NOP is active on several areas: initiates political organizations (SNS, New Forces Alliance), founds researche institutions (INR, National-Radical Institute), arranges social, youth and trade-union movements. NOP also firms national magazine "Szczerbiec" published by INR. The movement is cofounder of International Third Position which is the forum assembling political groups presenting similar ideological orientation.


The aims pointed by NOP are expressed in two basic documents: "Ideological Principles of Nationalism" and "NOP Program Directions". NOP strongly declares for political decentralization appreciating local communities play crucial role in formation of true national power. In the sphere of economy NOP postulates equalization of the capital and labour as well as dissemination of private property on the base of distributist system. NOP also stands out against concentration of property in hands of either state or anonymous capital. NOP rejects false democratic system which leads to moral relativism and gives the fate of the nation to hands of corrupted "political class". NOP as the first political movement in Poland noticed real danger for our country flowing from the side of European Union and decidedly opposed any attempt to liquidate Polish State. NOP proclaims necessity of the fight against demoliberal system on the way of National Revolution understood as complete reconstruction of social, economical and political life in compliance with eternal values of Christian Civilization.

© 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski. Przedruk części lub całości materiałów dozwolony tylko za zgodą redakcji.